HRT For Men and How You Can Benefit From it

Just as women go through menopause, which causes a decrease in hormones, so do men.

Male Menopause, also called Andropause, is not nearly as dramatic as the female version. Some men, though, may actually go through a rather sudden change in testosterone levels that might correlate with the hormonal changes that women experience during menopause. However, most men experience a slower, more subtle hormone decline.

When hormones are replaced or restored to physiologic levels considered normal for younger males, older men may experience a dramatic reversal of many of the changes caused by aging.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy in men involves the use of the hormone Testosterone. Please note that Natural Testosterone should not be confused with synthetic derivatives. Testosterone deficiency in males has been an unrecognized syndrome for many years, possibly because the blood levels of testosterone in men decrease over time.

Andropause Replacement Therapy may also include the addition of Pregnenolone, DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), Aromatase Inhibitors, Chrysin, Dihydrostestosterone, Zinc, Selenium, and other supplements.

There are many symptoms of testosterone deficiency that are sometimes referred to as the “grumpy man syndrome”.

Testosterone deficiency may consist of a variety of signs and symptoms including:

  • Reduced libido or the reduced desire for sex
  • Fatigue or a decrease in physical stamina or loss of energy
  • Difficulty in maintaining erections, erectile dysfunction
  • Decrease in mental sharpness, or memory impairment
  • Weight gain
  • Feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Heart disease
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Irritability, change in attitude or mood
  • Weakness
  • Disturbed Sleep, Insomnia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Low sperm count
  • Slow wound healing
  • Lack of Motivation

Hazle Compounding will work together with you and your physician to decide which dosage form may be best suited to your needs.

Some Compounded Dosage Forms include:

  • Transdermal- Testosterone is absorbed into the skin from creams and gels that can be applied to the body, no shaving is needed, and the cream/gel absorbs rapidly thru the skin.
  • Sublingual (under the tounge) or Buccal- This is a good choice for rapid absorption. This includes sublingual drops, sublingual or buccal troches (gelatin or wax lozenges), which are absorbed through the oral mucosa. This unique dosage form can be flavored with over 100 flavors.
  • Oral Capsules- the alternative dosage when either topical or sublingual cannot be used.

There are many possible benefits of Male Hormone Replacement Therapy. These benefits may include:

  • Improvement in psychological well-being and mood
  • Improvement in erectile dysfunction
  • Improvement in libido
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Increased strength and stature
  • Preservation of bone mass
  • Possible decrease in cardiovascular risk
  • The ability to re-establish a hormonal balance

In home saliva testing kits for male hormone levels are available. Hazle Compounding for further information.

Male Hormone/Andropause Counseling is available by our experienced Men’s Health Specialist. Click here or call for information about HRT Consultations

Click to Visit PrometheuzHRT

We also specialize in compounding for other Men’s Health issues including:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Peronei’s Disease
  • Weight Loss
  • Excessive Sweating/Body Odor
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Aches and Pains

Parkinson’s Health Tips For A Daily Lifestyle

There are nearly 1 million people living in the US with Parkinson’s disease, a chronic and progressive disorder of the central nervous system that destroys vital nerve cells in the brain, resulting in impaired movement, tremors, stooped posture, and a loss of balance. The majority of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease reside in the 41-60+ age bracket, and while the cause of the disease is unknown, there are medications and surgeries that can help manage symptoms.

In addition, maintaining a healthy diet – with specific considerations for Parkinson’s – can also be a helpful and beneficial way to maintain quality of life and mitigate symptoms as much as possible. Check out six healthy eating tips:

1. Eat fresh, eat well, and eat often

In order to feel your best and keep you energy levels high, it’s important to eat fresh, fiber-rich healthy foods from all of the food groups (grains, vegetables, fruit, milk/dairy, and meat/beans). Eat prudently to maintain a healthy body weight, but also eat regularly (no skipping meals!) to help you maintain energy levels and feel better overall.

Exercise And Diet For Parkinson's Disease
Exercise And Diet For Parkinson’s Disease

2. Ask for assistance if You Need it

If you are struggling with depression that reduces your appetite, or you’re finding it physically difficult to shop or prepare meals, it may be time to ask your doctor, friends, or family for help. It’s helpful to have pre-made, healthy snacks handy at your home or when you’re on-the-go to ensure that you can make good choices at any time. Some medications may also impair your appetite, so be sure to share these types of observations with your doctor.

3. Be Sure To Watch out for constipation

Another reason to focus on fresh, fiber-rich foods is that Parkinson’s disease (and some of its related medications) tend to cause constipation. It may be embarrassing to discuss with your doctor, but it’s important that he or she is aware of any such side effects to help you manage the symptoms. Increased fiber-rich foods (whole grain bread, bran cereals or muffins, fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes and prunes), plenty of water, and regular exercise can help you maintain bowel regularity.

4. Increase your daily calcium intake

Parkinson’s disease sufferers are also prone to osteoporosis, a disease caused by low bone-mineral density. You can combat this by increasing your intake of calcium, found naturally in dairy sources like milk, cheese, and yogurt, as well as non-dairy sources like tofu, calcium-fortified soy-based beverages, orange juice and dark leafy greens. Vitamin D can also help maintain bone-mineral density; sunshine actually can offer your body helpful Vitamin D, along with fatty fish, fortified dairy and breakfast foods, or dietary supplements.

5. Be Sure Monitor your Parkinson’s symptoms

You should evolve your diet depending on where you are in the Parkinson’s disease progression, and eat to address any current physical symptoms and medications. For example, you may need to reprioritize your diet based on symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, bowel issues, or medication side effects in canadian meds. Again, it is always helpful to involve your doctor in these discussions, and possibly even consider consulting a registered dietitian to ensure you are getting a proper balance of nutrients and calories. Some medications are affected by the timing of consumption of protein, so while you should not cut out protein from your diet, you may need assistance working it into your meal plan to avoid such interactions.

6. Embrace the supplements and superfoods that can help

Finally, there are many “superfoods” or supplements that offer compelling testimony in helping manage Parkinson’s disease, but that, unfortunately, lack hard scientific evidence of widespread, repeatable improvement. That said, many of the foods and supplements in this category are beneficial to one’s overall health and do not cause any harm to a Parkinson’s disease sufferers, so they may be used as each person sees fit. These include: coffee; green tea; a variety of fruits and vegetables; foods rich in vitamin E such as wheat germ; nuts and seeds; and vegetable oil.

Taking a daily Parkinson’s support supplement to help relive any symptoms can assist with a more higher level of natural organic symptom alleviation. A strong supplement routine will drastically help alleviate symptoms.

Just like any challenge of aging, a healthy diet can help us live longer, more satisfying lives, even when facing something like Parkinson’s disease. Maintaining a healthy framework allows your body to focus on fighting disease and side effects, and helps provide and convert the energy needed to make the most out of every day.

A terrifying mold illness

Lyme disease and mold illness have nearly identical symptoms. Due to this, it is common that patients diagnosed with Lyme disease are actually suffering from mold illness. This article will discuss the relationship and similarities between Lyme disease and mold illness. But the one thing that can help with is LGD-4033.

Serious Mold Illness Symptoms

Molds produce allergens, irritants and in some cases, toxins that can cause reactions in humans. Symptoms depend on the type of mold present, the extent of exposure, the age of the individual and their sensitivity. Common symptoms of mold illness are skin irritations, allergic reactions, aggravated asthma symptoms and shortness of breath, persistent sinus issues, fatigue and weakness, headaches, depression, aches and muscle cramps, disorientation and confusion, word recollection issues, as well as focus and concentration problems. Contact We Inspect If you notice, there are many similarities between Lyme disease and mold illness symptoms.

Lyme Disease Symptoms

Lyme disease development can happen by a tick, flea or mosquito bite that hosts the disease. Development can also happen in utero or human to human contact via breast milk or sexually. The most common symptoms of Lyme are skin rashes, severe fatigue, achy, stiff or swollen joint, headaches and dizziness, fever, night sweats, cognitive decline, sensitivity to light and vision changes, neurological problems, ranging from balance issues to stiff neck, heart problems, mood changes, irritability, anxiousness and depression, as well as unexplained pain.

Lyme Disease and CIRS

Many Doctor’s are realizing that patients who do have Lyme disease are even more susceptible to mold sensitivity and mold toxicity due to weaker immune response and immune deficiency, commonly caused in patients suffering from Lyme. In some cases, Lyme disease carriers cannot methylate toxins from their body allowing toxins to build up in the bloodstream. Some Doctors believe that Lyme disease and mold illness inter-connect, and consider mold illness as a co-condition of Lyme.

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome or CIRS is a condition that Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, a well recognized leader in patient care, research & educator in the field of biotoxin related illnesses, believes 25% of the human population could be susceptible to. Often, Lyme leads to the the development of CIRS. Additionally, mold illness can prevent Lyme disease treatments from working. If you are undergoing treatment for Lyme and still unwell, mold illness could be an underlying issue. This is especially true since the symptoms are so similar. Though you may not expect a relationship to exist between the two conditions, they often co-exist.

What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins, the byproduct of mold, are harmful on their own, but can be detrimental for people suffering from chronic Lyme. Many Lyme disease professionals consider biotoxin illness to be a co-condition of the disease, as well. Since mold is one of the most common co-conditions for Lyme sufferers, it is not rare for patients to also have mycotoxin toxicity. Mycotoxins release into the air, causing inhalation. Dead spores are just as dangerous as live spores and mycotoxin illness will also prevent Lyme treatment plans from being effective.

Unfortunately, patients with CIRS are often misdiagnosed because symptoms mimic those of other disease, such as Fibromyalgia, ME or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, commonly known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Sarcoidosis. This can be frustrating and can prolong treatment options that actually are effective.

Detecting and Treating Lyme Disease

Most patients that suffer from Lyme are never even aware they are bitten by an insect hosting the disease. This could make diagnosis even more difficult. The type of virus a Lyme disease patient has could also cause difficulty in detecting Lyme in the bloodstream. Recently, urine screening has become a more accurate way of testing for the disease. If detection occurs in the early stages, Lyme treatment can happen with a round of antibiotics. Depending on the virus, prescription can last for a year, or even longer. Once the patient finishes the antibiotics, symptoms often return because Lyme is still present in the body, making this type of treatment temporary and often not covered by insurance.

President George W. Bush, Marla Maples, Avil Lavigne, and Yolanda Hadid have openly spoken about having Lyme disease. There is currently a petition at with statistics and information about CDC and Lyme. Estimates vary between 300,000 to 1.5 million new cases diagnosed each year, making it the fastest growing infectious bacterial disease in America. If you are suffering from Lyme disease, or any of the illnesses listed above and are not seeing any improvement in your health with your treatment plan, you may want to consider testing your home for mold.

How Does Mold Testing and Inspection Work?

So you contact American Mold Experts for an appointment. A qualified inspector from a 3rd-party lab is then scheduled to perform the mold testing and inspection. We will schedule him at a date and time that is convenient for you. The inspector will arrive at your home in an unmarked car. We know having a mold problem is not something you necessarily want your neighbors to know about. The inspector will talk with you for a few minutes to explain the mold testing and mold inspection. He will also have some questions for you to help him understand what possible issues there are that could be conducive to mold growth.

Central Florida Roofing Advice

Orlando Roofing Contractor and Roofing Repair Specialist

If your roof has started to leak, you should not underestimate the severity of damage it can cause to your home. If you are unsure of the magnitude of a leak in your roof, make sure to call your local professional roofing contractor who will be able to give you a solution to your problem. Here are some reasons that your roof may be leaking into your home.


Flashing is the thin metal sheet; strip, angle or fitting that covers a seam or transition
point in a roof. Flashing is the most common area of your roof to leak. With the harsh weather in the Midwest, it is easily damaged or corroded over time. The flashing on your home could also be poorly installed or of a lower quality than you thought you were having installed.


Having skylights really adds ambiance and natural light to your home, but when not built or installed properly, it can cause more of a headache than bliss. If you have a skylight that is older a problem with a leak is almost inevitable. If you notice that the downhill slope of your skylight is filling with water more easily, you will be dealing with a leak in the near future.

Shingle Damage

Your roof most likely is not top of mind if it’s functioning properly, but you have to
remember that your roof will not last forever. How many years has it been sinceFlorida Roofing Professionals your roof was installed? Roofs that were built 30 years ago were made of much different and less durable materials, than what is used today. Old shingles will start to crack causing your roof to leak.


Common plumbing issues arise when having to drill holes in your roof. Plumbing vent
pipes, exhaust flues for appliances, attic vents and ventilation ducts are among the most common necessities that have to exit through your roof. Cracked or worn flashing around these pipes and flues are the most common leak source on your roof when it comes to plumbing.


Your chimney creates a huge hold in your roof and it also collects water on the surface, which can trickle down and get into the smallest cracks. The leading cause of chimney leaking is failed flashing. Water can pool at the base of your chimney and having pooling water on your roof is never a good thing.

If you are experiencing a leaky roof and are in need of professional assistance you can always look for Orlando Roof Repairs for the best service and a Free quote.